Thursday, December 11, 2008


Wildhearts were on great form at the forum last night even if they didn't seem at all happy with the sound on the stage. It was fine out front. Very similar to Hard Rock Hell show - the entry to Nita Nitro has got to be one of the best things I have seen all year - although longer set and a few more oldies thrown in for good measure. I still can't believe this lot aren't a massive draw - they are fucking brilliant in concert and have a decent catalogue of good songs. the "A" who supported were good - 4 years since they last played together - and the first support Tragedy - a heavy metal Bee Gees - nuff said.

set-list (ripped from Dave Ling): ‘Nita Nitro’, ‘Vanilla Radio’, ‘Someone That Won’t Let Me Go’, ‘Everlone’, ‘The Revolution Will Be Televised’, ‘Suckerpunch’, ‘Sick Of Drugs’, ‘Carmelita’ (Warren Zevon cover), ‘Caffeine Bomb’ and ‘My Baby Is A Headfuck’, followed by encores of ‘Geordie In Wonderland’, ‘Understanding Jane’, ‘Noting Ever Changes But The Shoes’, ‘Just In Lust’, ’29 X The Pain’, ‘Rooting For The Bad Guy’, Medley: ‘Lonely This Christmas’/‘Red Light, Green Light’, ‘Getting It’, ‘Caprice’, ‘I Wanna Go Where The People Go’, ‘My Old Friend The Blues’ and ‘Love U Till I Don’t’.

Pride Tiger and Big Linda tomorrow.



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