Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Only one more gig to go this year - Lizzy and Diamond Head at Hammersmith so have been thinking about the highs and lows of the year.

Best Gigs - not in any particular order:

Wolfmother at Hammersmith - best new band I have seen in a decade or more.
Muse at Wembley - just so fucking professional
Stranglers at Roundhouse - 30 years of joy with half the songs done twice

Worst gigs -

Siouxsie at Roundhouse - just flat and dull
Schenker supporting the Scorpions at Hammersmith - way too pissed to even stand let alone play guitar

Best all round event - Hard Rock Hell - just such a great laugh and so many great bands that I can't wait to book for next year

Best Comeback - Sex Pistols (didn't get a Zeppelin ticket or that would have been a no brainer)

Most fun - UFO at HRH - myself and a mate bouncing around like 14 year olds singing every word

Biggest surprise - just how good Twisted Sister were at HRH

Biggest Twat - Bass player from Saxon cruising HRH to ponce drinks and not even pretending to be interested in talking to his fans

Biggest disappointment - apart from not getting a Zeppelin ticket - has to be Schenker again - I have never wanted someone not to play Rock Bottom so much. Hope he sorts himself out.

Bands to keep a close eye on - Wolfmother (can they follow up the first album) - Beyond the Grave - were they really as good as I remember or was I just wasted

Looking forward in 2008 - Zeppelin tour (so hope so) but especially hope Van Halen come across the pond after so many years. Radio silence from AC/DC can't be maintained can it? Motorhead, Judas Priest, Suicidal Tendencies and Megadeth all playing HRH - I would love it. Someone buying the State in Kilburn and making it the premier mid sized venue in London - has got so much potential I wish I was as rich as Bill Gates so I could do it myself

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