Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sad to see a succession of US political commentators today touring the news studios making the point that nobody in the presidential race wants gun control on the agenda in the US. Is astonishing that 30 people can be murdered in one shooting spree and nobody at the top of the political spectrum is prepared to say enough is enough. All we get are platitudes. I am sure we will see the NRA out in force over the next few days spouting the same old rubbish about guns not killing people etc etc. How many more innocents have got to die before someone makes a stand and gets the american people to understand that they have got to make buying guns a lot more difficult than buying a bottle of whiskey.
A last minute £3 each way on Silver Birch at 40-1 stopped me catching a cold on the National. Was very fortunate. Some of that already invested in Teofil for the 2,000 guinneas - managed to get him at about 8-1 yesterday afternoon when rumours he was lame were rife. Hope he proves ok as they arte magnificent odds for such a good horse. Don't fancy him for the Derby as I think he is a bit more on the lines of George Washington and very fast but not much stamina beyond a mile - have slowly been putting a few pennies on Authorised who I think will get the trip.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The handling of the Navy sailors return to the UK is the story that just won't die. A quiet news week has made getting some perspective on this issue a bit difficult for the MOD. The ill judged media handling is an embarrassing sideline to the story but that is all. Whilst accepting payment is not specifically prohibited by Queens Regulations why anybody thought it was anything other than a very bad idea is beyond me. Ministers could have stepped in and stopped this folly before it started had they been more confident in their own judgement or had had good advice from officials. It is perhaps regrettable that they did so only after the vociferous reaction became clear for all to see. There are of course much more important issues such as how did this happen in the first place - it is after all not the first time the Iranians have engaged in piracy and we have never got our boats back from the last time - but they will all come out in the inquiry. However, in all of this we should give thanks to the cool head of the officer in charge that nobody died. A diplomatic spat and a bit of egg on faces is far less painful to endure than the sight of 15 coffins arriving at Brize Norton.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Like the Gold Cup am becoming a bit exposed on the National. Small bets over a number of moths at very good odds on Hedgehunter (have been piling in), Dun Doire (think he is doubtful so all lost there), L'Ami (a few quid), Billyvoddan (hoping the ground will be quite fast) and Point Barrow have started to pile up. If any of them win I am quids in but any other horse will be expensive. May have to lay a few when they come in a bit but starting to get a bit nervous.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Saw the Who at the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday. They still sound great even if Roger Daltrey's voice was a bit croaky in places. Just back from a US tour - a bit jet lagged but as tight as two coats of paint. We were right up in the gods - back row of the circle - but the RAH is so small it made no difference whatsoever. A great night out.

Spurs hitting a rich vein of form even if they were gifted a non penalty yesterday. Seville on Thursday will be a crucial game. Come on you lilleywhites.

Bored at work - now in purdah so just planning for post election return.